Chapter one of DEVOID - a metaphysical novella, told through a collection of fine art NFTs, about REX: a square that vows to escape its 2D, 24-bit canvas after an unexpected union with a higher-dimensional being, named ‘1’. DEVOID riffs off Edward E. Abbott’s 19th century classic, ‘Flatland’, whilst playing with 24-bit, Atari influenced minimalist fine art that asks, ‘what if Rothko played Commodore?’
During this chapter, we meet REX, the black square - depicted first in piece 004. Content with its life, REX nevertheless wonders what exactly it means to be ‘here’, when its world is literally shaken from its axis as a being from a higher mathematical dimension collides with REX’s 2D ‘Flatland’. For the first time, REX is introduced to an idea called ‘depth’, and once ‘1’ has left, REX is left with an ability to dream in 3D.
DEVOID is both a one-of-a-kind fine art/narrative hybrid, as well as being an indirect prequel to our novel and feature film, PERIVALE.
DEVOID 001: 'Something from nothing'
DEVOID 002: 'Collisions'
DEVOID 003: 'Structures'
DEVOID 004: 'I am nowhere'
DEVOID 005: 'Staring into the void'
DEVOID 006: 'Earthrise'
DEVOID 007: 'Sweet dreams of a good morning'
DEVOID 008: 'Possibility'
DEVOID 009: 'Day dreams of a good night'
DEVOID 010: 'Watching. Waiting'
DEVOID 011: 'Sleeping'
DEVOID 012: 'REX dreams of meeting itself in the fifth dimension'
DEVOID 013: 'Dawning light'
DEVOID 014: 'Death of a pixel'
DEVOID 015: 'I can be so much more'
DEVOID 016: 'Life was simple for a while'
DEVOID 017: 'And then '1' arrived and the world stopped making sense'
DEVOID 018: 'Where are you from?' I asked. 'Above, below, around and through,' '1' replied.
DEVOID 019: 'A merge-ing'
DEVOID 020: 'Then '1' was gone'
DEVOID 021: 'An obsession'